Thursday, 12 January 2012

Fort Albany, Thursday January 12, 2012

It's only been one week but it's been one of the most topsy-turvy weeks to date.
There was a massive storm up here a couple days before we returned so there's noticeably more snow on the ground and the drifts area  little out of hand in some sections. Poor Belinda jumps in without knowing the depth before realizing she's immobile and has to squirm and squiggle her way free.

There have been so many perfectly clear nights leading up to the full moon, each more stunning than the last. Keeping an eye open for the Lights.

At the school, we've already had two half-days this week due to wakes and funerals. The gym is the only place large enough in Albany to hold them.
Attendance is all over the place as well; one day showing a total of 7 students, all boys. The next day totaled 14 including some students I hadn't seen since before the holidays.

Tomorrow is another odd-ball day but should be lots of fun. One of the high school classes has organized the Winter Carnival for all Primary classes running from 9am-3pm. Right now it's showing temperatures anywhere from -36C to -42C with the windchill for tomorrow so we'll see if it's a go. The typical limit for keeping the students outside is -25C and I think we're all getting a little bit tired of indoor recess as it is. Luckily today was warm enough by one degree so we had a bit of a break :)

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